Hereby, the signing company / person declares awareness of the relevant provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG), that the resulting specific requirements on data security and data protection within the framework of the business relationship with WSTN GmbH trusts have been familiarized and the specific duties on data secrecy (§ 5 BDSG) were obligated.
We were / I was informed that it is prohibited to collect, process or utilize proprietary and personal data for any purpose other than the particularly legitimate for task fulfillment. A transfer to third parties is not allowed.
Furthermore, this obligation extends to all confidential data and company information. This includes all information, regardless of the form they exist and whether they are expressively designated as such or not, which we or any other obligated person in connection with the contractual services and / or the use of contract related equipment and systems become aware of. We ensure that this knowledge is exclusively used on fulfillment of tasks related to this contract.
We similarly obligate all of our employees and any other possibly commissioned third person to the requirements on data protection of WSTN GmbH and ensure appropriate information and training. This obligation also continues on indefinite duration after termination of our business relationship.
We are aware that violation on data secrecy may be prosecuted. Infringements may also result in an exceptional dismissal.